AimShot BSB17 17 HMR laser bore sight module with external battery box. Designed to make it quick and easy to bore sight your rifle chambered in 17HMR. Insert brass laser module into chamber and align scope reticle to match laser beam at 20 yards. Remove laser and proceed to the range for final adjustments at whatever range you want your zero.
The external battery bore sight system is intended for use with the bolt removed or action left open for bore sighting. Severing the wire will render the laser inoperable. If the wire is broken the unit will have to be sent to AimShot for repair. To remove the unit, please use a cleaning rod as pulling on the wires can break them.
<5mW FDA Class IIIa laser
BSB 17
- Wavelength 650nM
- Battery pack utilizies 2 AAA Batteries
- Approximately 20+ hours in runtime
- Wire approximately 3 inches in length