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New! The latest AimShot 9mm laser bore sight with Modular Battery Pack.  This version of our proven 9mm laser bore sight adds the modular battery pack that allows you to remove the small watch batteries and end cap (included) and replace with it with an external battery pack that contains 2 AAA batteries (included) that will give you run times of 20+ hours for your laser bore sight.


The latest modular bore sight includes BOTH the smaller watch batteries and end cap, as welll as the latest external battery pack that runs on 2 AAA batteries for 20+ hours of laser run time. The external battery pack has a small magnet on the side to hold it to the receiver and allow you extra time to get your optics dialed in.


AimShot always recommends removing the bolt or locking it back solidly to prevent accidental closure and breaking the wire or bore sight.


This laser bore sight can be used in traditional closed chamber applications (most semi auto pistols) with the included watch batteries, or converted to run on the 2 AAA batteries in applications where you do not have to close the chamber to get an accurate bore sight (AR platform, pistol caliber carbines, etc).


Make sure that you have the pistol in a vise or held securely and ready to adjust prior to turning on the laser as the battery life in the 9mm bore sight utilizing the smaller watch batteries (L626/AG4) is very limited, 5-15 minutes depending upon battery and output. We recommend having extra batteries on hand if you plan to use the smaller batteries. 


<5mW FDA Class IIIa laser


$36.99 Regular Price
$28.99Sale Price
  • - Wavelength 650nM

    - Uses 3 Button Cell L736 Batterie

    - 10 minute run time on internal batteries

    - Modular Battery Pack uses 2 AAA batteries

    - Battery Pack giving you roughly 20 + hours of runtime


11770 Haynes Bridge Rd

Ste 205-336

Alpharetta, GA 30009 USA


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